enVigil IP+
enVigil (IP+) Product line is available in 4, 8, 16 and 32 camera system. Contact us for pricing.
enVigil (IP+) 4 NVR Pre-packaged solution for you.
enVigil (IP+) 4 NVR is a pre-packaged video surveillance solution consisting of a Network Video Recorder (NVR). and four Panasonic cameras (wired or wireless).
Customers have an option of choosing Sanyo or Axis HD cameras instead of Panasonic cameras.
enVigil (IP+) 4 is a Linux Based NVR solution. It is a highly flexible and cost-efficient solution supporting Megapixel IP cameras.
enVigil (IP+) 4 NVR comes with unique features such as secure transmission of Video data and bandwidth adaptability for ensuring the best remote viewing experience.
Administrative access for configuring recording schedule and user privileges have been made easy. Users have easy access to recorded data using Mobile Phone and 3G technology.
enVigil (IP+) 4 is the most suitable NVR solution for retailers, homes, banks, small offices and other commercial or residential buildings.
enVigil (IP+) 4 connects to enVigil client (eWatch) which allows motion based or continuous recording and instant playback.
Web / Mobile Viewer (client) is available
enVigil System Overview
Component Description
eWatch (Client) eWatch is the client in the server-client architecture. eWatch connects remotely to enVigil NVR
* Monitor live video (up to 4 channel)
* Playback recorded video (up to 4 channel)
eWatch logins to enVigil (IP+) 4 NVR can be done as 3 different user groups privileges: administrator, power user, user. Each user group has its own distinctive privilege in system configuration, live view camera, access to private cameras and playback camera.
Remote Playback System (Client) Remote Playback application can playback 4 channels of recording
Plug and Play enVigil (IP+) 4 NVR is a plug and play system. Cameras can be connected to the network using Wifi network, Ethernet over Power) (EoP and, Mesh Technology etc.
Cradle’s patent pending central server enables plug and play thus eliminating the need for port forwarding.
Web / Mobile Viewer (client)
* eWatch can both display live video (4 channel) and playback recordings (4 channel) on remote server.
* i-Phone and Safari or any web browser can stream video from enVigil (IP+) 4