video surveillance and access control systems go hand in hand.
Still we do not see much of integration fo the both any thoughts?
In building security video surveillance and access control seems to go hand in hand. Still it is upto the owner to make this integration happen.
any thoughts in this regard? how the industry can make this easier and cheaper for the end customer
Bill Kreger
Commercial Security Consulting Professional !!!All LinkedIn Invitations are Welcomed!!!
I think the main reason for this is strictly a money issue. Most companies recognize need for the additional security but their budgets won't allow them the extra security
Machine Vision Guru
Yves Daoust
I imagine that so far the videosurveillance and access control businesses were markets on their own. Probably profitable enough. As Shivaji points out, it takes an integration effort to build a solution that combines both technologies.
There can indeed be a great synergy between them. You probably spotted a new niche.
- Yves
J Shivaji shivaji.linkedin@gmail.com
General Manager - Middle East India Africa, IDtech - www.idtech.eu
Good question.
We are in the business of design, development and manufacture of software & hardware for Access Control, Alarm Monitoring, Visitors Management etc since 1985 with 5000+ customers in more than 40 countries. We specialize in Access Control systems and we work with a number of CCTV manufacturers to integrate our systems with theirs. This is a focus and strategy related issue. Integration is always not necessary especially with professional systems like ours considering the basic requirements are normally available. Higher level integration is needed for special high security and / or large projects wherein customer is willing to pay the price. If observed most of the big manufacturers of CCTV systems also have their products for access control and have interfaces as ready to deploy solution. But this feature many a times make the overall project cost higher because of proprietary protocols or indispensable single platform solution. Customers end up paying more if they are not looking at all the features offered by such "integrated" system as well make them depend on single vendor which is no more an acceptable business policy.
Manufacturers like us would certainly like to be identified as specialists in our chosen business at the same time offering necessary interface / integration development services for third party or complementary products such as surveillance. Considering the emerging new trends in CCTV market, we would soon be launching an API SDK for integration by the installers / partners.
Hope this info helps.
Thank you,
Best regards,
Steve Nettles
CEO, Access Security Technology, Inc.
1. Need: Does the customer need the ability to use both technologies in their business environment?
2. Cost: Usually too high initially.
3. Implementation - integration between access and video depends on a couple of core issues. Mainly the access systems' ability to run and support the video drivers from the various manufacturers. Most access systems can support Pelco, Honeywell, Samsung and a few others. However, once you get past the well known manufacturers the support drops off. If you can not integrate the different access and video systems currently running on the customer premise - its a difficult sell to convince the customer to scrap their security infrastructure and start over.
Marta Cerezo
Sales Manager Spain&Portugal at IndigoVision
Video s a key information piece for any other security subsystem, for this reason is quite natural that it is in the CCTV monitoring system where we consolidate alarm and access control information, so for example a notification of an non authorised entry card triggers the camera at that place to the attention of the operator.
We've seen this need in the market and as CCTV IP manufacturers provide an extremely easy and quick (and cost free for developers) way to integrate in our system thirdy part control systems. Also, we have alredy developed integration modules to 16 different systems in the market with which the integration takes just some minutes!
And this can be managed and view from any part of the world, and from as many points simultaneously as desired and without aditional costs per site.
If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact me
Marta Cerezo
Further to my previous comments, there are few companies which specialize in development of single platform wherein components from multiple manufacturers are hooked up. One such companies is Entelec and there are many more from UK, Europe who provide freedom to customers. For example a customer using JC ACS, Pelco CCTV, Novar FAS etc can decide to use Skywalker to add access control system from IDtech -Belgium, FAS from Simplex, CCTV from Bosch etc and still achieve the purpose without tying up with single vendor.
The customer is the decision maker and in my experience of over 8 years in building automation and security, the integrated system requirements have cropped up less than 10%. General integration such as driving through programmable I/Os is quite common.
Hope the info helps.
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