Monday, June 9, 2008

CradleWatch software is included with the Cradle Surveillance System

Intelligence at the edge
Cradle's iCongnizant platform is based on over 10 years of innovation and it's proprietary and patented Multi-DSP technology. Unprecedented digital signal processing capability is made available, at the edge of the network, closest to the camera, to ensure that the best quality of the picture at highest resolution can used for video content analysis. In addition, iCognizant is an open platform to enable deployment of the most advanced developments in Video Content Analysis rapidly and cost effectively, by VCA innovators and OEMs. Standards compliant H.264 encoding offers state-of-the-art picture quality while minimizing storage costs.


* Highest Quality Video
* Highest accuracy Video

Content analysis

* Target Event detection

to each camera

* Target Intelligence based

on customer needs

* Efficient use of Storage

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