Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Go Beyond Security + and monitor your business anytime and from anywhere

Go Beyond Security and you can monitor your business, monitor cash register, monitor
custome support, Monitor employee performance - from anywhere and anytime by using just your lap top or any PC anywhere with interent access or a data card.

I was sitting quietly enjoying my coffee in my office and suddenly a customer started yelling at the cash register clerk saying he gave 500 Rs. bill and not a 100 Rs. bill and started demanding more money back.

The poor clerk keep repeating “ NO sir, you gave me only 100 Rs.”

I went out and tried to calm down the customer but in vain he was just not agreeing that he gave Rs 100 and not Rs. 500.

I suddenly remembered our new Cradle iNVSS system and the camera pointing to the
Cash Register. I went to my system clicked on the particular camera window and clicked
Replay and to my surprise I could clearly see the 100 Rs bill that the customer handed to my Cash Register Clark.

I went to the customer and invited him to my office and showed him the video and the matter was over.

I find the Cradle iNVSS Product line really great for retail shops in India and across the world. If you own more than one shop I highly recommend it since not only you can access the video locally but also I can access it using my Tata Indicom Laptop card or from my home and if needed talk with the customer.

Benefits of the system includes

• Not just security but remote Monitoring
• Access from anywhere and anytime- live preview
• Highest Quality Video- Standards compliant H.264
• Highest accuracy Video - Content analysis
• Target Intelligence based on customer needs
• Efficient use of Storage

The customer testimonials and other information will follow

Find out more about the product- Cradle iNVSS click here

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