Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Most video surveillance not monitored

Again and again, people are questioning the worth of surveillance systems. Many have stated that they are not as effective because there is no one there to monitor them.

For many systems that are state of the art, no monitoring is required.

Cradle's NVSS product line for example, does not require people to constantly monitor the video. If the system is set up correctly, security personnel are notified through email or text messaging anytime motion is detected in a particular area after hours. Another example would be if a particular door is opened in a restricted area. These people can then view the video streaming in real time on their PDA or cell phone. Simultaneously, management of the company is notified as well, saving time and effort in a potential break-in or accident.

More often then not, people who are constantly monitoring the video end up missing something that occurs. Thieves are well aware of the risks posed by security personnel and plan their crimes around them.

What will work best in the future is a model of surveillance where you have a combination of real-time monitoring and an intelligent and convenient system, like Cradle's NVSS.

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