Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OJ Simpson convicted - video/audio surveillance helped

I don't know if everyone is aware but these days, many photos/videos taken by everyday citizens are now being used as evidence.

Take a look at these articles I found about surveillance video and audio being used as evidence in the recent OJ Simpson case.

The first article provides some commentary directly from the jurors who have indicated that it was the audio and video surveillance evidence that swayed their opinions. The second article indicates that the judge had allowed the poolside recording to stand (since it had already been authenticated) and would consider the hotel room recording if the voices were authenticated individually as well.

Using civilian recordings/video as evidence in trials are already being faced within the courtroom and they do not know how to deal with them. THe second article even mentions the possibility that the recordings could have been altered and in a case like this where millions of dollars are at stake as well as a man's life, it is a strong possibility.

What do you think?


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